Frequently Asked Questions

We are constantly adding to our FAQ's. If you still need help then please contact us at


  • I am an influencer/personality/promoter/ambassador and would like to work with you, how?

    Thank you for your interest. Best, goto: and apply online. Thank you for thinking about us.


  • Once I order, how long before my order ships?

    Orders are generally dispatched within 1-2 working days of receiving the order



  • I am an influencer/personality/promoter/ambassador and would like to work with you, how?

    Thank you for your interest. Best, goto: and apply online. Thank you for thinking about us.

  • Why is the MD Nutiritonals Australia and MD Nutritionals New Zealand? Depending on what I buy why are they coming from different companies?

    Yes there is MD Nutritionals Australia, it was the original company and all orders for Australia and New Zealand where handled by this one company. As the business expanded, several years ago we opened MD Nutritionals New Zealand, which today has different shareholders to MD Nutritonals Australia. Essentially it is a different company with aligned interest.

    From the 27th Sept 2023; after 20 years, laws in Australia that MD Nutritionals Australia operated under changed, affecting several highly valued products. In order to maintain some level of market access MD Nutritionals New Zealand stepped in.

    Thus depending on what you purchase, you order could be split between Australia and New Zealand.